3.2. Key Points to Note

  1. The sample project contains all the parameters just like the original WinZO project

  2. The order of tags and layers must not be changed. If possible please use our tags, If there is a new tag to be added, add it at the last and let us know as well.

  3. If you have used shaders which are not already in the “always included shaders” in Graphics settings add them in the last and let us know as well.

  4. Asset Bundle can be directly created in the Sample Project. You can create asset bundles by right clicking on project windows and clicking on “Assetbundles->buildAll" option and the path of assetbundle is the StreamingAssets folder.

  5. WinzoController is the main script here.

    1. You can change the time of the game by changing the variable “time”.

    2. If your game doesn't have interactable tutorial, please uncheck the variable. “isInteractabletutAvailable”.

    3. If you don't want to show time UI during gameplay then untick “shouldDisplayTimer”.

  6. We have 2 sample games here, one is single player and other is a multiplayer game.

    1. AssetBundle of both games are present in the streamingAssets folder.

    2. We have used Json Object as the game config for two sample games present in the Sample Project. If you play sample games in the editor, game config will be picked from the ConfigJson.cs.

  7. We have an anti-cheat toolkit. Please check "GameManager.cs" in BlackJack Game to see how to use it. Please make the score variable only have an "ObscuredInt" type. It will prevent manipulation of score at run time by users. Don't make time as "ObscuredInt" type as we handle it at the server.

  8. During game over please make the score variable as ObscuredInt and also make score List as ObscuredInt and then call as presented in "GameManager.cs" of BlackJack game.

Last updated